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11月9日 Nov.9th
08:30 开幕式 The opening ceremony
First part:Treatment and prevention for implant complacations
Moderators:Zhiyong Zhang,Zhonghao Liu
08:45 - 09:15 种植体早期失败与远期失败原因分析
Analysis of early and late implant failure
吴轶群 教授
09:45 - 10:00 软硬兼施—粉色美学并发症的预防策略
Combining the carrot and stick – Strategies for preventing the pink esthetic complications
刘晓强 副教授
10:00 茶歇 Teabreak
10:20 - 11:20 种植体周围炎的预防与治疗
Prevention and treatment of peri-implantitis
Dr. Lisa Heitz-Mayfield
11:20 - 11:50 种植修复设计与机械并发症
Prosthodontic planning and mechanical complications for implant treatment
施斌 教授
11:50 - 12:20 讨论
Panel discussion
Moderators:Huanxin Meng,Rong Shu
12:20-13:30 午餐 Lunch
第二部分: 口腔种植学进展:循证医学研究证据与未来发展趋势
Second part: Advance in implant dentistry: Evidence and trend
Moderators:Zuolin Wang,Bo Wen
13:30 - 14:00 口腔种植外科学的进展与挑战
The development and challenge of surgery in implant dentistry
宿玉成 教授
14:00 - 15:00 早期种植轮廓植骨的适应症、外科技术与长期临床效果
The concept of early implant placement with simultaneous contour augmentation: Indications, surgical technique and long-term results
Prof. Daniel Buser
15:00 茶歇 Teabreak
15:20 - 15:35 从TOP期刊证据等级看循证口腔种植的发展趋势
Trends in evidence-based oral implantology: From the perspective of top-tier journals
晏奇 博士
15:35 - 16:35 种植体与基台的连接方式对牙槽嵴顶骨水平的影响
Implant/Abutment connections and their influence on crestal bone levels
Prof. David Cochran
16:35 - 17:05 讨论
Panel discussion
Moderators:Jiang Chen,Ping Gong
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11月10日 Nov.10th
第三部分: 口腔种植外科技术新进展
Third part: Advanced surgical techniques in implants dentistry
Moderators:YongSheng Zhou,Jian Zhang
08:30 - 09:30 口腔种植中的软组织增量之牙周整塑
The rule of soft tissue augmentation in implant dentistry: a perioplastic approach
Dr. Paolo Casentini
09:30 - 10:00 数字化口腔种植技术关键问题探讨
Application of digital technology in implant placement. The crucial aspects
李德华 教授
10:00 茶歇 Teabreak
10:20 - 10:35 以修复为导向的数字化骨增量流程
Digital procedure for prosthetically guided precise bone augmentation
蔡潇潇 教授
10:50 - 11:20 剩余骨量不足3mm上颌窦底提升植骨,同期种植还是分期种植?
1-stage versus 2-stage lateral sinus floor elevation
陈波 博士
11:20 - 11:50 软组织移植在二期手术中的应用
Soft tissue management at second stage surgery
满毅 教授
11:50 - 12:20 讨论
Panel discussion
Moderators:Lei Zhou,Zhuofan Chen
12:20-13:30 午餐 Lunch
第四部分: 口腔种植外科与种植修复方案设计
Fourth part: Implant placement and loading protocol
Moderators:Yanmin Zhou,Huiming Wang
13:30 - 14:30 即刻种植治疗方案
Immediate implant placement protocols
Dr. Stephen Chen
14:30 - 14:45 上颌无牙颌即刻负载的循证医学证据
Evidence based immediate loading in full maxillary edentulous patients
王凤 博士
14:45 茶歇 Teabreak
15:05 - 16:05 数字化时代下的种植及负荷方案
Implant placement and loading protocols in the digital era
Dr. German Gallucci
16:05 - 16:35 讨论
Panel discussion
Moderators:Bo Chen,Yiqun Wu
16:35 闭幕式 The closing ceremony